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This article focuses on the deconstruction of an inter-university action research project that has allowed us to rethink our teaching and research, questioning the social, political and ethical dimensions of the university. Following the pre-assembly proposal to promote participatory convergence, organized within the framework of the 1st Global Assembly for Knowledge Democracy (2017), an action research process was implemented in order to generate systematic inquiry around the current situation of the university and the need to act and rethink our commitment to promoting changes in this context. We have reflected on the meaning of democratization, rethinking the pedagogical relationship with our students and how we critically commit them to promote activism. We generated an environment where we look for the meaning of our practices by means of a visual narrative which has enabled us to weave and identify our own biography and become aware of where we are and why we act in one way or another. We have also focused on the search for the meaning of our actions in relation to the community we belong to and how to deal with the challenges of social justice, encouraging collaboration with other networks in a wider inter-university framework.  相似文献   
现代学徒制是当前我国高职教育领域的改革热点,是破解高职教育人才培养质量与社会人才需求脱节这一症结的"良药",也是今后高职教育改革与发展的方向。通过梳理国内学者关于现代学徒制的研究文献,将研究主题大致分为现代学徒制的内涵与特征、国内外现代学徒制发展史、实施路径及案例研究、现代学徒制的制度研究以及现代学徒制的现实问题与努力方向等方面。通过比较学者的不同观点,引出现代学徒制的诸多待解问题,探索了初步方案。  相似文献   
The notion that the stories of our lives shape dispositions towards imagined futures is another lens through which university underrepresentation should be viewed. A storied lens attends to how futures, like university attendance, are storied during childhood to the extent that some youth imagine, and therefore plan, these futures as natural progression. Such was the case for study participants, indicating that childhood stories contain answers for mitigating social reproduction connected to parental education and cultural forces within the home. Examining social mobility through the underexplored storied-futures grand narrative presents unique solutions that lay hidden within the dominant meritocratic grand narrative.  相似文献   
20世纪的乡土抗战小说在关照农民民族解放意识觉醒的同时,也认识到了战争也是开掘个人意识觉醒的促进剂。农民在经历了抗战启蒙阶段、独立个体性觉醒阶段后,最终在民族解放中获得了新生。在获得国家政治独立的同时,农民也在抗战的烽火中涅般木,获得了精神独立。这种双重叙事主题体现了对农民与战争的关系的深刻理解。  相似文献   
在革命历史题材儿童文学创作中,海南作家张品成体现出独特的意义。他通过革命叙述的微言大义、历史的考证与补阙等手法体现了史诗的另一种写法。他一方面打造了多彩的少年儿童形象长廊,同时也尽量增添作品的浪漫化表达,从而较好地体现出创作的儿童性。在人物三角关系设置以及叙事节奏等方面,作者也体现出鲜明的创新性。  相似文献   
"英雄无父"母题是古代民间叙事史诗中的一个共享性的母题。它在中国叙事文学中被大量运用。从远古时期的历史记载到当代的电视剧创作中,都能看到它的身影。而且它不只是叙述着故事,同时也对塑造中国文化经验起着重要作用。文章试图从"英雄无父"母题在中国叙事文学的发生与演变中,找出中国民间文本被规约的过程与结果。  相似文献   
傅恒的长篇小说《天地平民》改变了以往反腐败小说的套路,紧紧把握人物的命运和灵魂,直击当下人在社会的处境,把反腐败题材的小说提升到一个哲学人类学的高度。从写作本身来说,强化了写作的难度,大大提升了小说、特别是反腐败题材文学作品的艺术水准;从文学经验上来说,扩展了反腐败作品的边界;从叙事的方式来说,为小说叙事提供了一种全新的表达方式。  相似文献   
长征是伟大的史诗,长征叙事中有海量的文本资源,是高校理想信念教育的宝库。长征叙事对理想信念的培育是多重的、全方位的,涉及对大学生、思政教师和校园文化的三重影响。开发长征叙事文本,建立理想信念精神认知,创新长征叙事方法,落实理想信念知行合一,是培育理想信念的正确路径。  相似文献   
通过可视化等多种方式系统梳理高职院校“课程思政”建设研究的基本情况,可以发现,学界对“课程思政”概念内涵、关键难点及路径的研究日益清晰。现阶段“课程思政”研究还存在实证研究少、特色化体系建设薄弱等问题。高职院校要强化“课程思政”实践研究,着重研究“课程思政”建设的相关保障和落实机制,关注高职院校与研究型高校在“课程思政”建设上的差异。  相似文献   
海明威作品以书写战争、刻画硬汉而闻名于世,身体书写在他的作品中经常出现。短篇小说《乞力马扎罗山的雪》在呈现死亡主题的同时,对身体叙事倾注了大量笔墨。小说中的男性身体不再具有传统硬汉形象的阳刚和力量,女性身体也在男性凝视下逐渐成为欲望渗透和权力运作的客体。通过对男性硬汉形象的解构和女性身体的书写,海明威不仅剖析了战争给现代人造成的身心"阉割",而且揭示了凝视与被凝视的两性关系。  相似文献   
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